
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Grammer- 8/10
I found a few errors, large ones at that, but they were, as I said, few and far between.

Character construction/develoment-9/10

I like how all the characters are desined and even though they don't really seem to develop over a period of time, it works for them. I find Katniss (main character) very beleivable and relatable.


I see clearly in my mind everything described, so much detail, but not so much that it becomes filler. Perfect. I love the way things are described, an examle would be how her last dress was described as "giving off soft candle light."


Amazing! So thrilling, you're hooked from the beginning! I couldn't put this book down for a second becasue of the brilliant and exciting plot. I love that so many twists are thrown in, but not to much to as to overwhelm you.

Origanality- 10/10

Very origanal, super origanal in fact. I've never read anything like it, not an aspect of it is cliche, or over done. From the characters to the setting, this book is all around unique!

Over all rating- 96%

I found this book thrilling, unique, and romantic to an extent. Sadly the ending is left open, the continuation for the next book in the series. I can't wait to get my hands on it as this was great! It was so great in fact that I finished it all in 2 days. In fact it caused me to be late to algebra ( okay, here comes a pointless story!) I was reading this book from the moment it hit my hands at the bookstore. I was so in the story, that in fact I read it up to 4:00 am. Guess who was tierd and slept in, thus missing algebra? I think it was worth it though. I'd take a book over math anyday.

In conclusion, this is a book for those who love action, adventure, and futuristic society (better that it sounds, so don't skip out because of the whole futuristic society thing, I'm not that into that kind of stuff either, but it really works in the book.)

Yours in reading,
Casey Lynn

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